Signature SEAFAIR Events
SEAFAIR signature events personify the Seattle spirit and the community fun that make this unique summer festival what it is.
Pirates Landing
The Seafair Pirates Landing kicks off SEAFAIR by storming the shore of Alki Beach in West Seattle. Seafair Pirate revelry includes shooting off cannons, waving swords, and sometimes scaring the wee tykes to tears (so maybe warn them ahead that it’s all make believe).
Milk Carton Derby
Seafair Milk Carton Derby features about 100 human-only powered boats, constructed using a minimum of 50 one-half gallon milk cartons, plus chicken wire or plastic mesh. Children, adults, families and businesses register to build and race milk carton watercraft. At the end of the derby, the boats are dismantled and recycled.
The boat builders pay a registration fee and compete for prizes and bragging rights. Awards are given for originality, workmanship, methods of movement, and speed.
Spectators watch the fun for FREE as they cheer from the shoreline.
Torchlight Parade
The Torchlight Parade always occurs on the Saturday night before SEAFAIR Weekend. Historically, the last two weeks of July are Seattle’s sunniest weather. (There have been exceptions.)
The parade usually starts at 3:00 PM and goes until around 5:30 PM. Thousands of spectators gather along 4th Avenue in downtown Seattle to watch more than 100 parade units, including marching bands, drill teams, floats, royalty, equestrians, and more.